College Uniform

As per the Government guidelines, college and school students are required to wear the same uniform at an institution. It is aimed at identifying students easily and encouraging them to avoid wearing expensive dresses. Following are the uniforms for students of the college.

Struck off after Admission

  • First Shift

Summer:        Brown Pants and White Shirt, Black Shoes

Winter:        Brown Pants and White Shirt, Maroon Sweaters / Coats, Black Shoes

  • Second Shift

Summer:        Brown Pants and Sky Blue Shirt, Black Shoes

Winter:        Brown Pants and Sky Blue Shirt, Maroon Sweaters / Coats, Black Shoes

  • BS 4-Years

Summer:        Black Pants and White Shirt, Black Shoes

Winter:        Black Pants and White Shirt, Maroon Sweaters / Coats, Black Shoes

  • Female Students

White Shalwar and White Kameez, Black Shawl / Burqa / Sweaters / Gowns.


Neck Tie is part of the uniform but if a student opts for it, it should not be any color other than Maroon.